Crypto-asset services can also be provided by the following authorised entities seeking to offer certain specific crypto-asset services in relation to specified equivalent services (see Article 60 MiCAR).
The following parties must submit a CASP notification before crypto asset services can be provided;
• Credit Institutions
• Central Securities Depository
• Investment Firms
• Market Operators
• Electronic Money Institutions
• UCITS Management Company
• Alternative Investment Fund Manager
CASP notification procedure
Statutory completeness period
• Submits notification by e-mail (via Cryptshare)• The AFM acknowledges receipt of the notification within 5 working days.
• The AFM performs the first completeness check of the notification. The statutory period for submitting a complete notification starts (40 working days).
• The AFM sends a request for missing information to the notifying party and sets a deadline to supply it (max. 20 working days).
• The AFM takes a decision (declaring the notification complete or incomplete) and informs the notifying party within 5 working days.

Visualization of the CASP-notification procedure
The CASP-notification can be submitted securely by use of Cryptshare. Please ensure that you follow the instructions in the CASP-notification form, such as the right naming conventions and clear referencing to supporting documentation.
Due to the strict timelines under MiCAR, the CASP-notification procedure has limited room for an iterative process. The AFM will, next to sending a formal request for missing information, communicate on an ad-hoc basis about the process or additional questions. If necessary, supervisory meetings will be planned.
The AFM will focus primarily on the completeness check, but we can and expect to ask clarifying questions on the provided information. However, these clarifying questions will not result in a suspension of the legal notification period. The AFM will share the outcomes of the notification procedure with the relevant supervisory teams at the AFM and/or DNB.
You are not allowed to start providing the crypto-asset services as long as the information provided for the notification procedure is incomplete.