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Register approved prospectuses

This public register contains a list of prospectuses approved by the AFM since 1 January 2007.

The register is kept pursuant to and in accordance with article 1:107(3)(d) of the Dutch Financial Supervision Act (Wet op het financieel toezicht). Please be informed that any statement in this register should not be considered as and does not include an offer within the meaning of article 3(1) of Regulation (EU) 2017/1129.

No approval of the issuer

Please note that approval of a prospectus does not imply that the AFM approves the offer or admission to trading of the securities. It is not an endorsement of the issuer nor the quality of the securities.

4 Results
Date approval Issuing institution Description
27 jun 2024 Brxs Properties B.V. Obligaties Vreeswijk
03 jun 2024 Brxs Properties B.V. Obligaties Maartens
21 dec 2023 Brxs Properties B.V. Obligaties Vrolik
21 dec 2023 Brxs Properties B.V. Registration Document

Date last update: 01 September 2024