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AFM publishes revised Policy Rule on Provision of Information

The Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM) has revised the Policy Rule on Provision of Information in light of new interpretations of various legal standards and updated regulations for the provision of information. The Policy Rule has been supplemented with a chapter on pensions, among other things.

Policy Rule aids compliance with laws and regulations

In 2013 and 2018, the AFM included its interpretations of the statutory standards for the provision of information concerning financial products and services in the Policy Rule on Provision of Information. The Policy Rule on Provision of Information provides market parties with greater insight and helps them to comply with laws and regulations. Interpretations have been added and updated in the revised version of the Policy Rule. This is especially true for open standards such as the requirement that information must be correct, clear and not misleading. In addition, the Policy Rule has been supplemented with a chapter on pensions. This contains the supervisory interpretations of the standards concerning information that is correct, clear, balanced and timely.

Feedback statement consultation

Earlier this year, the AFM consulted on the revised Policy Rule with the sector. We received four responses. These reactions allowed us to make the Policy Rule even clearer. In the 'feedback statement' (only in Dutch) we explain how the comments and recommendations have been incorporated.

If you have any questions about the revised Policy Rule or the feedback statement, please contact vragen.informatieverstrekking@afm.nl or the AFM business desk.

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