European venture capital is now mainly flowing into the US
The AFM Trend Monitor 2025 is published today. In this report, the Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM) analyses developments relating to the financial sector. The focus is on risks, bottlenecks and control measures within the AFM's four supervisory areas. In addition, the AFM conducted a more in-depth analysis of two subjects: European capital markets and consumer credit.
In short
• General trends and risks in the financial sector
• European Capital Markets Analysis: A significant amount of European venture capital is now flowing into the US
o A strong European Capital Markets Union is necessary
• Consumer credit analysis: Six in ten Dutch households have consumer credit
o Early detection offers opportunities for tackling debt problems
General trends and risks in the financial sector
Geopolitical developments can quickly disrupt the calm in the financial markets. The financial position of vulnerable groups also remains a concern. The emergence of cyber and concentration risks due to digitalisation, the lagging behind of the sustainability transition and increasing divergence in regulation and regulatory arbitrage require continued attention.European capital markets analysis: A significant amount of European venture capital is now flowing into the US
A significant amount of European venture capital is now flowing into the US, attracted by the greater liquidity and efficiency of US capital markets. Strong European capital markets are essential to foster innovation, sustainable growth and strategic autonomy within the EU. A European Capital Markets Union increases the supply of risk capital, but that does not inherently translate into this capital being deployed for the benefit of the European economy. A competitive European economy also requires broader economic reforms.A strong European Capital Markets Union is necessary
The publication 'A European Capital Markets Union: a necessary condition but not a guarantee for a competitive European economy' highlights the impact of a strong European Capital Markets Union on Europe's innovative capacity and competitiveness.Laura van Geest, Chair of the Executive Board of the AFM: 'A strong European capital markets union is necessary, but economic reforms are crucial for a real improvement in Europe's competitive position.'
Consumer credit analysis: Six out of ten Dutch households have consumer credit
Six out of ten Dutch households have a consumer loan. In the Netherlands, more than 700,000 households have problematic debts. This is a broad social problem. One part of the overall debt problem is the arrears on consumer credit.Early detection offers opportunities for tackling debt problems
The publication 'Consumer credit and financial vulnerability' zooms in on the emergence of payment problems in consumer credit and on opportunities for prevention. The AFM sees possibilities for this. In particular, the early detection function of other payment arrears such as health insurance can play a role in this regard. At the same time, foreseeable effects of relationship termination and loss of work also offer preventive options. Credit providers currently have no role in addressing this early detection. The AFM, however, believes they have an important role to play and will discuss this with the sector.Laura van Geest, Chair of the Executive Board of the AFM: 'Early detection of payment arrears offers opportunities for tackling and preventing debt problems, including in the case of consumer credit. Credit providers can play an important role in this.'
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