Agenda 2023: Current developments in the financial sector affect everyone and everything and reinforce each other
In the view of the Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM), the current developments in terms of digitalisation, sustainability and internationalisation are linked as well as mutually reinforcing and will have an impact on all layers of society. It follows that there are no easy answers when it comes to mitigating the risks associated with these trends.
Agenda 2023: Current developments in the financial sector affect everyone and everything and reinforce each other
To absorb these developments, the financial sector will need to adapt, and policymakers and supervisory authorities will need to take action where necessary. This is the basic message of the recently published AFM Agenda for 2023. The agenda describes the trends and risks with regard to the financial sector and contains information about the AFM’s priorities and activities in the coming year. These priorities are based on the new AFM Strategy (2023–2026), which was published concurrently with the Agenda.
Laura van Geest, chair of the AFM Board: ‘If we want to ensure a sustainable and financially stable future for the Netherlands, we all have plenty of work to do. The significant developments ahead of us – digitalisation and internationalisation that will transform the economy, the adaptations necessitated by climate change and the impending overhaul of the Dutch pension system – will affect everyone and everything.’
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