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AFM 2017 Annual Report: more international cooperation and focus on preventing problems
2017 saw a rapid acceleration in the digitalisation and internationalisation of the financial markets. In addition to dealing with existing problems in the markets, the AFM also focused on new risks for consumers and preventing problems. The supervision of the capital markets was intensified, mainly due to the introduction of new European regulation.
Merel van Vroonhoven, chair of the AFM: “The AFM continues to argue strongly for wider and closer cross-border cooperation, and we also want to play a leading role in this process. International supervision is becoming more important as the financial sector is undergoing very rapid innovation and is not restricted by national borders. These developments underline the need for innovation in our supervision. We invested in insights from data analysis and the behavioural sciences in 2017 in order to identify risks at an earlier stage. Besides resolving market problems from the past, we are focusing more closely on preventing new problems from occurring. Enforcement is still the cornerstone of our supervision, but in many cases we can achieve more by using our influence and we can also deploy our capacity more efficiently.”
The AFM was once again committed to promoting fair and transparent financial markets in 2017. Results were achieved on the following 3 priorities:
- Resolving long-lasting problems in the market and reducing risks
- Renewing supervision to prevent new market problems
- Wider and closer international cooperation and strengthening the organisation
Read the full Annual Report in pdf (Dutch language).
Journalists can contact Mark Woldberg, AFM Press Officer, on 0031 (0)20 797 2452 or at
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