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Contactform Business Desk

Fill in your details below. We will then contact you as soon as possible.

What information do we need from you?

Are you a permit holder and do you contact the business desk? Then we will ask you for your license number and name. With this information, we can answer your questions as carefully as possible and record the contact moment in your company's file. Even if you do not have a licence with the AFM, we need some contact details from you for the internal recording of the contact moment, such as your name, date and place of birth. Recording contact moments also enables us to help you quickly and adequately in the future.

Only send relevant information to the AFM for the assessment of a question or report of wrongdoing. Please note that the text box with the explanation can only contain 450 characters. Delete (personal) data that is not relevant. This allows us to handle questions and reports as carefully as possible, taking into account the privacy of you and others.

In our privacy statement you can read more about the AFM's task and the purposes for which the AFM processes personal data.

Contact us