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PostNL N.V.

PostNL N.V.

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Publicatie datum 31 mei 2013 - 07:30
Statutaire naam PostNL N.V.
Titel New rates PostNL as of 1 August 2013
Bericht PRESS RELEASE New rates PostNL as of 1 August 2013 The Hague, 23 May 2013 - PostNL is introducing a number of changes to postal stamp rates as of 1 August 2013. The tariff increases are, together with rigorous cost savings, necessary to compensate for the expected volume decline of 8-10% to secure the cost recovery and affordability of mail delivery. The basic rate for letters within the Netherlands will become €0.60, an increase of 6 euro cents. The business rates will also increase as of 1 August. As of 1 August 2013, the following rates will apply: o Basic rate within the Netherlands: €0.60 o Basic rate for letters within Europe: €0.96 o Basic rate for letters destined for Rest of World: €1. - o Basic rate for franking machines: €0.52 PostNL is responsible for the execution of the Universal Service Obligation (USO) in the Netherlands. This means that PostNL is legally required to guarantee mail delivery within 24 hours and to maintain a minimum of 2,000 post offices and 15,000 mailboxes. The USO is loss making for PostNL as a result of large volume declines and obligations which have remained unaltered. PostNL itself has implemented a series of rigorous restructuring plans to ensure maximum cost savings in its Dutch mail activities. In order to be able to continue to offer good mail delivery services, a further rate increase is unavoidable. For this reason, Dutch Minister of Economic Affairs, Henk Kamp, has adjusted the statutory boundaries for rate regulation. These have been verified by the Dutch regulator for the postal market, the Autoriteit Consument en Markt. The adjustments to the rate regulation are part of a broader package of measures, as was announced by Minister Kamp, in his letter to the Lower House of 27 March 2013. In this letter the Minister writes that adjustments to the overall statutory requirements for the Universal Service Obligation (USO) and rate regulation are necessary in order to secure the future of the USO. With a postal