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Leo Capital Growth SPC PLC

Leo Capital Growth SPC PLC

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Publicatie datum 08 mei 2013 - 18:18
Statutaire naam Leo Capital Growth SPC PLC
Titel LEO CAPITAL GROWTH SPC Plc: Estimated May 3rd 2013
Bericht LEO CAPITAL GROWTH SPC Plc Estimated May 3rd 2013 LEO CAPITAL GROWTH SPC (the "Company") NET ASSET VALUE OF SHARES The net asset value per share ("NAV") of the under-mentioned class of shares of nominal value EUR 50,000 in the Company, as at the close of business on May 3rd 2013 is: Participating Shares EUR €78,769.1274 ISIN: IE00B5WK6265 Bloomberg: LEOCAPG ID Euronext: LEOA This estimated NAV has been calculated by Leo Fund Managers Limited and is only an estimate.