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Wachovia Securities International

Wachovia Securities International

Below you will find information from the register investment firms. The information has been provided by the organisation.

Statutory name Wachovia Securities International
Trade name Wachovia Securities International
Place of residence DUBLIN 1
Country Ierland

DNB license / EER credit institutions and financial institutions

Financial service Service / activity Date of entrance
Financial serviceEER-KredietinstellingService / activity11A VermogensbeheerDate of entrance05 jul 2008
Financial serviceEER-KredietinstellingService / activity11B VermogensadviseringDate of entrance05 jul 2008
Financial serviceEER-KredietinstellingService / activity12 Bewaarneming en beheer van effectenDate of entrance05 jul 2008
Financial serviceEER-KredietinstellingService / activity7A Transacties eigen rekening, of tbv cliënten mbt geldmarktinstrumentenDate of entrance05 jul 2008
Financial serviceEER-KredietinstellingService / activity7B Transacties eigen rekening, of tbv cliënten mbt valuta'sDate of entrance05 jul 2008
Financial serviceEER-KredietinstellingService / activity7C Transacties eigen rekening, of tbv cliënten mbt futures en optiesDate of entrance05 jul 2008
Financial serviceEER-KredietinstellingService / activity7D Transacties eigen rekening, of tbv cliënten mbt swaps en soortgelijksDate of entrance05 jul 2008
Financial serviceEER-KredietinstellingService / activity7E Transacties eigen rekening, of tbv cliënten mbt effectenDate of entrance05 jul 2008
Financial serviceEER-KredietinstellingService / activity8 Deelneming effectenemissies en aanverwante dienstenDate of entrance05 jul 2008

Date last update: 27 December 2024