PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Below you will find information from the register third-country audit entities. The information has been provided by the organisation.
Name audit entity
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Legal form
300 Madison Ave
10017-6204 New York, NY
United States of America
10017-6204 New York, NY
United States of America
Contact information
Bradley Fako
Registration date
Status registration
Name office | Street | Postal Code | City | Country |
Name officePricewaterhouseCoopers LLP | Street101 Seaport Boulevard | Postal Code02210 | CityBoston, MA | CountryUnited States of America |
Name | Street | Postal Code | City | Country | Name authority | Registration number |
NameB. Geis | Street1075 Peachtree Street NE | Postal Code30309 | CityAtlanta | CountryUnited States of America | Name authorityGeorgia State Board of Accountancy | Registration numberCPA035366 |
NameC. Lattanzio | Street300 Madison Ave | Postal Code10017-6204 | CityNew York, NY | CountryUnited States of America | Name authority | Registration number |
NameC.E. Wittmer | Street300 Madison Ave | Postal Code10017-6204 | CityNew York, NY | CountryUnited States of America | Name authorityNew York State Board for Public Accountancy | Registration number095301 |
NameC.M. Pottenger | Street300 Madison Ave | Postal Code10017-6204 | CityNew York, NY | CountryUnited States of America | Name authority | Registration number |
NameD. Byrne | Street300 Madison Ave | Postal Code10017-6204 | CityNew York, NY | CountryUnited States of America | Name authorityPennsylvania State Board of Accountancy | Registration numberCA033233L |
NameD.B. Townsend | Street300 Madison Ave | Postal Code10017-6204 | CityNew York, NY | CountryUnited States of America | Name authority | Registration number |
NameD.G. Foss | Street300 Madison Ave | Postal Code10017-6204 | CityNew York, NY | CountryUnited States of America | Name authorityMassachusetts Board of Public Accountancy | Registration number20119 |
NameD.J. Dolen | Street488 Almaden Boulevard | Postal Code95110 | CitySan Jose | CountryUnited States of America | Name authority | Registration number |
NameE. Walsh | Street300 Madison Ave | Postal Code10017-6204 | CityNew York, NY | CountryUnited States of America | Name authority | Registration number |
NameE.M. Simpkins Jr. | Street2121 North Pearl Street | Postal Code75201 | CityDallas | CountryUnited States of America | Name authority | Registration number |
NameE.S. Rivet | Street300 Madison Ave | Postal Code10017-6204 | CityNew York, NY | CountryUnited States of America | Name authorityCalifornia Board of Accountancy | Registration number95959 |
NameF. Zaman | Street300 Madison Ave | Postal Code10017-6204 | CityNew York, NY | CountryUnited States of America | Name authorityNew York State Education Department, Office of the Professions, State Board for Public Accountancy | Registration number084874 |
NameG. Singh | StreetOne North Wacker | Postal Code60606 | CityChicago | CountryUnited States of America | Name authority | Registration number |
NameJ. Kennedy | Street300 Madison Ave | Postal Code10017-6204 | CityNew York, NY | CountryUnited States of America | Name authorityCalifornia Board of Accountancy | Registration number13569 |
NameJ.A. Koehler | Street300 Madison Ave | Postal Code10017-6204 | CityNew York, NY | CountryUnited States of America | Name authorityCalifornia Board of Accountancy | Registration number119811 |
NameJ.I. Toussaint Puron | Street300 Madison Ave | Postal Code10017-6204 | CityNew York, NY | CountryUnited States of America | Name authority | Registration number |
NameJ.M. Allen | Street300 Madison Ave | Postal Code10017-6204 | CityNew York, NY | CountryUnited States of America | Name authorityDepartment of Consumer and Regulated Affairs Occupational and Professional Licensing Administration Board of Accountancy | Registration numberCPA901541 |
NameJ.S. Moore | Street2121 North Pearl Street | Postal Code75201 | CityDallas | CountryUnited States of America | Name authorityTexas State Board of Public Accountancy | Registration number51814 |
NameK. Chandrasekhar | Street300 Madison Ave | Postal Code10017-6204 | CityNew York, NY | CountryUnited States of America | Name authority | Registration number |
NameK. Francisco | Street300 Madison Ave | Postal Code10017-6204 | CityNew York, NY | CountryUnited States of America | Name authorityMassachusetts Board of Public Accountancy | Registration number18893 |
NameK.A. Healy | Street300 Madison Ave | Postal Code10017-6204 | CityNew York, NY | CountryUnited States of America | Name authorityCalifornia Board of Accountancy | Registration number81391 |
NameK.C. Young | Street400 Campus Drive | Postal Code7932 | CityFlorham Park | CountryUnited States of America | Name authorityNew Jersey State Board of Accountancy | Registration number20CC03143400 |
NameK.S. Kaminsky | Street300 Madison Ave | Postal Code10017-6204 | CityNew York, NY | CountryUnited States of America | Name authorityNew York State Education Department, Office of the Professions, State Board for Public Accountancy | Registration number092723 |
NameL.E. Martinez | Street405 Howard St | Postal Code94105 | CitySan Francisco | CountryUnited States of America | Name authorityCalifornia Board of Accountancy | Registration number71936 |
NameL.P. Sawicki | Street300 Madison Ave | Postal Code10017-6204 | CityNew York, NY | CountryUnited States of America | Name authorityNew York State Education Department, Office of the Professions, State Board for Public Accountancy | Registration number066677 |
NameM. Shira | Street601 South Figueroa Street Suite 900 | Postal Code90017 | CityLos Angeles | CountryUnited States of America | Name authority | Registration number |
NameM.R.I. Thiessen | Street300 Madison Ave | Postal Code10017-6204 | CityNew York, NY | CountryUnited States of America | Name authorityConnecticut State Board of Accountancy | Registration number10607 |
NameP.S. Arora | Street300 Madison Ave | Postal Code10017-6204 | CityNew York, NY | CountryUnited States of America | Name authority | Registration number |
NameR. Brooks | Street600 13th Street | Postal Code20005 | CityWashington | CountryUnited States of America | Name authority | Registration number |
NameR.M. Sands | StreetTwo Commerce Square, Suite 1800 | Postal Code19103 | CityPhiladelphia | CountryUnited States of America | Name authority | Registration number |
NameS.D. Panson | Street300 Madison Ave | Postal Code10017-6204 | CityNew York, NY | CountryUnited States of America | Name authorityNew Jersey State Board of Accountancy | Registration number20CC02440400 |
NameT. Cornell | Street300 Madison Ave | Postal Code10017-6204 | CityNew York, NY | CountryUnited States of America | Name authority | Registration number |
NameT. Grady | Street300 Madison Ave | Postal Code10017-6204 | CityNew York, NY | CountryUnited States of America | Name authorityMassachusetts Board of Public Accountancy | Registration number18142 |
NameW.P. Junior Griggs | Street300 Madison Ave | Postal Code10017-6204 | CityNew York, NY | CountryUnited States of America | Name authorityNew York State Board for Public Accountancy | Registration number127196 |
NameY.Y. Seals-Coffield | Street300 Madison Ave | Postal Code10017-6204 | CityNew York, NY | CountryUnited States of America | Name authority | Registration number |
NameZ. Stern | Street300 Madison Ave | Postal Code10017-6204 | CityNew York, NY | CountryUnited States of America | Name authority | Registration number |
Third-country auditors
Name auditor | Name authority | Registration number |
Name auditorR. Bradley | Name authorityMassachusetts Board of Public Accountancy | Registration number21412 |
Date last update: 11 December 2024