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A . D accountants adviseurs

A . D accountants adviseurs

Below you will find information from the register audit firms. The information has been provided by the audit firm.


Name organisation A . D accountants adviseurs
License number 13000525
Legal form Maatschap
Address Parkweg 25
6212XN Maastricht
Contact information R.J.A. Dobbelstein RA MSc
Parkweg 25
6212XN Maastricht
Internet address www.adaccountants.nl
License date 29 sep 2008
License status Verleend
Statutory audits for PIEs Nee

Policymakers and co-policymakers

Name Business address Postal code City Member supervisory body Registration number NBA RA Registration number NBA AA Foreign professional body Registration number foreign professional body Disciplinary measure
NameR.J.A. DobbelsteinBusiness addressParkweg 25 Postal code6212XNCityMaastrichtMember supervisory bodyneeRegistration number NBA RA45677Registration number NBA AAForeign professional bodyRegistration number foreign professional bodyDisciplinary measure
NameC.H.C.M. QuaedvliegBusiness addressParkweg 25 Postal code6212XNCityMaastrichtMember supervisory bodyneeRegistration number NBA RARegistration number NBA AAForeign professional bodyRegistration number foreign professional bodyDisciplinary measure
NameJ.M.A. VersteeghBusiness addressParkweg 25 Postal code6212XNCityMaastrichtMember supervisory bodyneeRegistration number NBA RA27653Registration number NBA AAForeign professional bodyRegistration number foreign professional bodyDisciplinary measure


Name Address Postal code City Disciplinary measure
NameR.J.A. DobbelsteinAddressParkweg 25 Postal code6212XNCityMaastrichtDisciplinary measure
NameC.H.C.M. QuaedvliegAddressParkweg 25 Postal code6212XNCityMaastrichtDisciplinary measure
NameJ.M.A. VersteeghAddressParkweg 25 Postal code6212XNCityMaastrichtDisciplinary measure

External auditors (affiliated to the audit firm)

Name Registration number NBA RA Registration number NBA AA Foreign supervisory authority Registration number foreign supervisory authority Disciplinary measure
NameR.J.A. DobbelsteinRegistration number NBA RA45677Registration number NBA AAForeign supervisory authorityRegistration number foreign supervisory authorityDisciplinary measure
NameB.H. van der VenRegistration number NBA RA37332Registration number NBA AAForeign supervisory authorityRegistration number foreign supervisory authorityDisciplinary measure
NameJ.M.A. VersteeghRegistration number NBA RA27653Registration number NBA AAForeign supervisory authorityRegistration number foreign supervisory authorityDisciplinary measure

External auditors (employed by the audit firm)

Name Registration number NBA RA Registration number NBA AA Foreign supervisory authority Registration number foreign supervisory authority Disciplinary measure
NameB.H. van der VenRegistration number NBA RA37332Registration number NBA AAForeign supervisory authorityRegistration number foreign supervisory authorityDisciplinary measure


Name Address Postal code City
NameA&D accountants en belastingadviseursAddressParkweg 25 Postal code6212XN CityMaastricht

Network components and affiliates

Location publicy available
Location publicy availablewww.adaccountants.nl

Date last update: 30 June 2024