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AKSOS Assurance B.V.

AKSOS Assurance B.V.

Below you will find information from the register audit firms. The information has been provided by the audit firm.


Name organisation AKSOS Assurance B.V.
License number 13020068
Legal form Besloten Vennootschap
Address Van Elmptstraat 16
9723ZL Groningen
Contact information W.A. Barkhof
Postbus 1121
9701BC Groningen
Internet address http://www.aksos.nl
License date 22 dec 2016
License status Verleend
Statutory audits for PIEs Nee

Policymakers and co-policymakers

Name Business address Postal code City Member supervisory body Registration number NBA RA Registration number NBA AA Foreign professional body Registration number foreign professional body Disciplinary measure
NameM. BruinsmaBusiness addressPostbus 1121 Postal code9701BCCityGroningenMember supervisory bodyneeRegistration number NBA RA34541Registration number NBA AAForeign professional bodyRegistration number foreign professional bodyDisciplinary measure
NameC. ElsingaBusiness addressPostbus 1121 Postal code9701BCCityGroningenMember supervisory bodyneeRegistration number NBA RA52139Registration number NBA AAForeign professional bodyRegistration number foreign professional bodyDisciplinary measure
NameP. KoningBusiness addressPostbus 1121 Postal code9701BCCityGroningenMember supervisory bodyneeRegistration number NBA RARegistration number NBA AA41927Foreign professional bodyRegistration number foreign professional bodyDisciplinary measure
NameK. de LangeBusiness addressPostbus 1121 Postal code9701BCCityGroningenMember supervisory bodyneeRegistration number NBA RARegistration number NBA AA42165Foreign professional bodyRegistration number foreign professional bodyDisciplinary measure


Name Address Postal code City Disciplinary measure
NameW.A. BarkhofAddressPostbus 1121 Postal code9701BCCityGroningenDisciplinary measureMore info
NameM. BruinsmaAddressPostbus 1121 Postal code9701BCCityGroningenDisciplinary measure
NameJ. HommesAddressPostbus 1121 Postal code9701BCCityGroningenDisciplinary measure
NameN. HuizingaAddressPostbus 1121 Postal code9701BCCityGroningenDisciplinary measure
NameP. KoningAddressPostbus 1121 Postal code9701BCCityGroningenDisciplinary measure
NameK. de LangeAddressPostbus 1121 Postal code9701BCCityGroningenDisciplinary measure
NameM. MeiringAddressPostbus 1121 Postal code9701BCCityGroningenDisciplinary measure

External auditors (affiliated to the audit firm)

Name Registration number NBA RA Registration number NBA AA Foreign supervisory authority Registration number foreign supervisory authority Disciplinary measure
NameW.A. BarkhofRegistration number NBA RA52126Registration number NBA AAForeign supervisory authorityRegistration number foreign supervisory authorityDisciplinary measureMore info
NameM. BruinsmaRegistration number NBA RA34541Registration number NBA AAForeign supervisory authorityRegistration number foreign supervisory authorityDisciplinary measure
NameM. MeiringRegistration number NBA RARegistration number NBA AA52294Foreign supervisory authorityRegistration number foreign supervisory authorityDisciplinary measure

External auditors (employed by the audit firm)

Name Registration number NBA RA Registration number NBA AA Foreign supervisory authority Registration number foreign supervisory authority Disciplinary measure
NameW.A. BarkhofRegistration number NBA RA52126Registration number NBA AAForeign supervisory authorityRegistration number foreign supervisory authorityDisciplinary measureMore info
NameC. ElsingaRegistration number NBA RA52139Registration number NBA AAForeign supervisory authorityRegistration number foreign supervisory authorityDisciplinary measure

Network components and affiliates

Location publicy available
Location publicy availablehttp://www.aksos.nl

Detail network components and affiliates

Name component / affiliate Address Postal code City Country
Name component / affiliateAksos Accountants B.V.AddressVan Elmptstraat 16Postal code9723ZL CityGroningenCountryNederland
Name component / affiliateAKSOS Belastingadviseurs B.V.AddressVan Elmptstraat 16 14Postal code9723 Zl CityGroningenCountry
Name component / affiliateAKSOS Corporate Finance B.V.AddressVan Elmptstraat 16 14Postal code9723 Zl CityGroningenCountry
Name component / affiliateAKSOS Financial Professionals B.V.AddressVan Elmptstraat 16 14Postal code9723 Zl CityGroningenCountry
Name component / affiliateAKSOS Financial Professionals V.O.F.Addressvan Elmpstraat 16 14Postal code9723 ZL CityGroningenCountry
Name component / affiliateAKSOS Financial Services B.V.AddressVan Elmptstraat 16.14Postal code9701 BC CityGroningenCountry
Name component / affiliateAKSOS Groep B.V.AddressVan Elmptstraat 16 14Postal code9723 Zl CityGroningenCountry
Name component / affiliateAKSOS HRM B.V.AddressVan Elmptstraat 16 14Postal code9723 ZL CityGroningenCountry

Date last update: 30 June 2024