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Esperite N.V. Introduction and admission to listing and trading of shares on Euronext Amsterdam by NYSE Euronext (the ‘Prospectus’)

Esperite N.V. Introduction and admission to listing and trading of shares on Euronext Amsterdam by NYSE Euronext (the ‘Prospectus’)

Below you will find information from the register approved prospectuses. The information has been provided by the organisation.

Date approval 13 oct 2009
Issuing institution Esperite N.V.
Description Introduction and admission to listing and trading of shares on Euronext Amsterdam by NYSE Euronext (the ‘Prospectus’)
Filetype Prospectus
Date of entrance 15 oct 2009
Type of publication Na goedkeuring kan het prospectus verkregen worden door het sturen van een schriftelijk verzoek aan Cryo-Save Group N.V., IJsselkade 8, 7201 HB Zutphen.
Place of publication Drukwerk



Date last update: 21 December 2024