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Business Desk

The Business Desk is the central point of access for businesses wishing to contact the AFM. The Business Desk will help you to find the right place within our organisation if you have any questions.

Contact information

You can contact us by using our contact form. It's also possible to e-mail us using businessdesk@afm.nl

You can also contact the AFM by telephone on +31 (0) 20 79 72 000 on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m.


The AFM wants to make it as easy as possible for entrepreneurs to do 'business' with the AFM. We are therefore working on the further improvement of the website and the Business Desk. Is certain information lacking, in your opinion? If you have any suggestions for the AFM website, please mail them to redactie@afm.nl.