Galapagos NV
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Publicatie datum
01 mrt 2016 - 22:11
Statutaire naam
Galapagos NV
Galapagos receives transparency notification from Johnson & Johnson
Mechelen, Belgium; 1 March 2016 - Galapagos NV (Euronext & NASDAQ: GLPG) received a transparency notification from Johnson & Johnson.
Pursuant to Belgian transparency legislation[1], Galapagos received a transparency notification on 1 March 2016 from Johnson & Johnson who notified that the 1,113,964 shares held by Johnson & Johnson Group Holdings GmbH (as legal successor to Tibotec-Virco Comm. VA) and the 1,236,097 shares held by Crucell Holland B.V., both subsidiaries of Johnson & Johnson, were sold on 25 February 2016. Johnson & Johnson's shareholding thus decreased below the 5% notification threshold. Johnson & Johnson continues to be a shareholder in Galapagos. The full transparency notice is available on the Galapagos website.
Datum laatste update: 05 februari 2025