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Royal Imtech N.V.

Royal Imtech N.V.

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Publicatie datum 11 aug 2015 - 07:30
Statutaire naam Royal Imtech N.V.
Titel Royal Imtech N.V. files for suspension of payments
Bericht Royal Imtech N.V. announces it has today filed a request to be granted a suspension of payments ('surseance van betaling') with the District Court Rotterdam. The court has granted the request and has appointed administrators ('bewindvoerders'). In its press releases of 4, 5, 6 and 10 August, Royal Imtech N.V. already announced it was evaluating the situation and its consequences. It also announced it was considering all options in view of the fact that an agreement with financiers on additional financing could not be reached and specifically options to preserve as much of the group as possible. Unfortunately the Board of Management and the Supervisory Board of Royal Imtech N.V. had to conclude that it is inevitable to file for suspension of payments ('surseance van betaling') today.

Datum laatste update: 27 juli 2024