Exact Holding B.V.
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Publicatie datum
27 jan 2015 - 16:40
Statutaire naam
Exact Holding B.V.
Exact: Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders adopts all resolutions
Delft, 27 January 2015 - At the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of Exact Holding N.V. (“Exact”) held today, all resolutions were approved. The shareholders adopted the following resolutions:
- Conditional amendment of the Articles of Association of the Company as per the Settlement Date (as defined in the Offer Memorandum) and authorization to execute the deed of amendment of the Articles of Association.
- Conditional Asset Sale and Liquidation: Approval of the Asset Sale as required under section 2:107a DCC; Resolution to dissolve (ontbinden) and liquidate (vereffenen) the Company in accordance with section 2:19 of the DCC.
- Appointment as per the Settlement Date of the following Supervisory Board members: Mr Roy Mackenzie, Mr Jason Wright, Mr Will Chen, Mrs Ilonka Jankovich de Jeszenice, Mr Kiran Patel.
- Authorization for the Board of Managing Directors of the Company to repurchase shares in its own capital for a price not exceeding the Offer Price (as defined in the Offer Memorandum).
- Conditional acceptance of the resignation of the resigning Supervisory Board members as per the Settlement Date and conditional granting of full discharge to each of the resigning Supervisory Board members with respect to their duties and obligations performed and incurred as members of the Supervisory Board until the date of the EGM, effective as per the Settlement Date: Mr Thierry Schaap, Mr Willem Cramer, Mr Peter van Haasteren, Mr Evert Kooistra.
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