Macintosh Retail Group N.V.
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Publicatie datum
24 apr 2014 - 18:45
Statutaire naam
Macintosh Retail Group N.V.
Macintosh Retail Group NV : General meeting of Shareholders of Macintosh Retail Group N.V.
Macintosh Retail Group NV's financial statements 2013 were adopted at today's Annual General Meeting of Shareholders were more than 66% of share capital was present. The negative net result over 2013 was charged to the distributable equity.
The General Meeting of Shareholders endorsed the Managing Board's conduct of affairs during 2013 and also endorsed the supervision exercised by the Supervisory Board during that year.
The Managing Board's designation as the competent body to issue ordinary shares, including the granting of option rights to acquire ordinary shares and limiting or excluding the pre-emption right on ordinary shares, was renewed for a period of 18 months to an amount equal to 10% of capital issued. The Managing Board was authorised, for a period of 18 months, to repurchase shares to an amount not exceeding 10% of the issued capital.
Datum laatste update: 21 december 2024