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Aperam S.A.

Aperam S.A.

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Publicatie datum 08 mei 2013 - 16:35
Statutaire naam Aperam S.A.
Titel The Annual General Meeting of Aperam approves all resolutions on the agenda
Bericht Luxembourg, 8 May 2013 - The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of Aperam held today in Luxembourg approved all resolutions on the agenda by a large majority.46,782,903 shares, or 59.94% of the Company's share capital, were present or represented at the meeting. The results of the votes will be posted in due course on www.aperam.com under "Investors " > "Shareholders' Meetings" > "8 May 2013 - Annual General Meeting of Shareholders". In particular, the shareholders approved the consolidated financial statements for the year 2012, the re-election of Board Members and the authorisation of grants of share-based incentives.