ASTARTA Holding N.V.
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Publicatie datum
19 apr 2013 - 12:05
Statutaire naam
ASTARTA Holding N.V.
Buyback of shares
The Board of Directors of ASTARTA Holding N.V., acting pursuant to the Resolution No. 5 adopted by the Annual General Meeting of the Company on 14 June 2012 (see current report No. 9/2012 dated 15 June 2012), the Board of Directors of ASTARTA Holding N.V. on 20 March, 2013 resolves as follows:
1. The realization of the Buyback Program will be in accordance with Commission Regulation (EC) No. 2273/2003 implementing Directive 2003/6/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards exemptions for buy-back programs and stabilization of financial instruments (the "Regulation"), the Polish laws regulations as well as with the rules set in the Resolution No. 5 of AGM of ASTARTA Holding N.V. adopted on 14 June 2012.
2. The Buyback shall be carried out by a brokerage house, UniCredit CAIB Poland Spólka Akcyjna, with its seat at ul. Emilii Plater 53, 00-113 Warsaw, hereinafter referred to as the “Buyback Agent”.
3. The Buyback Agent shall implement and manage the Buyback Program.
4.The Board of Directors of the Company launches the Buyback Program for the purpose of meeting obligations arising from (i) debt financial instruments exchangeable for or convertible into equity instruments and/or (ii) employee share option programs, or other allocations of shares to employees of the Company or of a group entity of the Company.
5. The average daily volume of shares traded at the Warsaw Stock Exchange shall be determined as the average daily volume of shares of the Company traded at the Warsaw Stock Exchange in the last 20 session days preceding the day of repurchase of own shares by the Company.
6. In case of extraordinarily low liquidity of the Company’s shares, the Company shall be authorized to exceed the threshold of 25% of the average daily volume of shares of the Company traded (say: twenty-five percent), up to 50% % of the average daily volume of shares of the Company traded (say: fifty percent), provided that the following conditions are met:
a) The Company shal
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