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Nutreco N.V.

Nutreco N.V.

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Publicatie datum 07 feb 2013 - 07:09
Statutaire naam Nutreco N.V.
Titel Nutreco reports a strong year - on track towards 'Ambition 2016'
Bericht Revenue of €5,229.1 million; an increase of 10.8% compared to 2011, of which 1.8% is organic volume growth Full year EBITA continuing operations before exceptional items increased by 13.2% to €262.1 million Basic earnings per share from continuing operations of €4.53, an increase of 26.2% Dividend proposal of €2.05, an increase of €0.25 (+13.9%). Pay-out ratio 45% Annual General Meeting of shareholders of 28 March 2013 to approve a 1:2 share split Progress on globally branded specialty products in Animal Nutrition and innovative fish feed solutions