TenneT Holding B.V.
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Publicatie datum
17 sep 2012 - 07:36
Statutaire naam
TenneT Holding B.V.
TenneT and Elia focus on further development power spot exchange
The energy exchange APX-ENDEX, which is active in the Netherlands, Belgium and Great-Britain, announced its intention to rearrange its current combined gas and power businesses into two separate entities: a power spot and clearing entity and a derivatives and gas spot entity. After completion, the ownership will consequently change and the power spot and clearing entity will be owned by electricity transmission system operator TenneT Holding BV (2/3) and Elia System Operator (1/3).
The intended split is expected to create maximum strategic flexibility and improved opportunities for the development of each business, allowing the entities to focus and capitalise on their strong assets.
Datum laatste update: 05 februari 2025