Royal Imtech N.V.
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Publicatie datum
04 apr 2012 - 13:09
Statutaire naam
Royal Imtech N.V.
Adri Baan re-appointed as Imtech Supervisory Board member and elected Supervisory Board vice-Chairman
Gouda, the Netherlands - Royal Imtech N.V. (IM-AE, technical services provider in and outside Europe) announces that during the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM) of today, Mr. Adri Baan (69 years) was re-appointed as a member of Imtech's Supervisory Board for a four-year period and was elected vice-Chairman.
Mr. Baan, the former Executive Vice President of Koninklijke Philips Electronics, had been a member of Imtech's Supervisory Board since 2008. He is also a member of the Audit Committee. Mr. Baan has other Supervisory Board positions in Volker Wessels Stevin N.V. (Chairman), Wolters Kluwer N.V. (Chairman), Dockwise N.V. (Chairman) and Océ Ltd.
Datum laatste update: 12 maart 2025