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RGF Staffing B.V.

RGF Staffing B.V.

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Publicatie datum 02 mrt 2012 - 07:04
Statutaire naam RGF Staffing B.V.
Titel USG People NV : Fourth-quarter and full-year 2011 results
Bericht Fourth-quarter and full-year 2011 results Sharp cost reductions, limited revenue decline and strengthened balance sheet Almere, 2 March 2012, 7.00 CET Fourth-quarter 2011 highlights Revenue totalled € 795 million; revenue per working day was 3% lower than in the fourth quarter last year The underlying gross margin improved to 21.3% (Q1: 21.2%, Q2: 21.0%, Q3: 20.7%) Underlying operating expenses were 6% lower than in the fourth quarter of 2010 Additional cost savings of € 23 million to take effect from 2012 Underlying EBITA equalled € 26 million, EBITA margin: 3.3% (Q4 2010: € 32 million, EBITA margin: 3.8%); EBITA margin in the Netherlands developed favourably from 4.8% to 5.3% Reported net income of -€ 37 million was negative largely due to a non-cash impairment of assets in Spain and cost cutting measures Net bank debt declined compared to the previous quarter by € 76 million to € 62.3 million as a result of a strong cash flow; the Leverage Ratio improved to 1.7; Senior Leverage Ratio equalled 0.6