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Publicatie datum 29 sep 2011 - 08:33
Statutaire naam DSM B.V.
Titel DSM updates market on strategy progress at Capital Markets Days
Bericht Royal DSM, the global Life Sciences and Materials Sciences company, today and tomorrow will update the financial community at its annual Capital Markets Days on the progress made with its DSM in Motion: driving focused growth strategy. The company also confirms its 2011 outlook. Feike Sijbesma, CEO and Chairman of the DSM Managing Board, commented: "Against a backdrop of increased uncertainties related to the global economy, our completed transformation into a Life Sciences and Materials Sciences company has positioned DSM well with a balanced, relatively resilient portfolio in health, nutrition and materials. We are making good progress in executing our strategy and we are on track to achieve our 2013 targets."

Datum laatste update: 01 september 2024