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AFM Portaal en AFM-website niet bereikbaar komend weekend

Vanaf vrijdag 4 oktober 21.00 uur tot zondag 6 oktober 21.00 uur is het AFM Portaal niet bereikbaar. Vanaf zaterdag 5 oktober 06.00 uur tot zondag 6 oktober 21.00 uur is de AFM-website niet bereikbaar.

Grontmij N.V.

Grontmij N.V.

Hieronder vindt u informatie uit het register openbaarmaking voorwetenschap. Deze informatie is door de organisatie verstrekt.

Publicatie datum 13 mei 2011 - 07:37
Statutaire naam Grontmij N.V.
Titel Grontmij first quarter 2011 trading update
Bericht First signs of recovery Total Revenue +47% € 273 million (2010: € 185 million) Organic growth: Total Revenue 1.7% Underlying EBITA +43% € 11.4 million (2010: € 8 million) Underlying EBITA margin 4.2% (2010: 4.3%) Profit after tax € 3.7 million (2010: € 3.7 million) Continued growth in forward orders Further restructuring reduces cost base Integration Ginger on track Sylvo Thijsen, CEO Grontmij N.V.: “The initial signs of recovery in our key markets that we saw in the fourth quarter of 2010 continued into the first quarter of 2011, and the Group achieved modest organic growth in total revenue, compared to the first quarter 2010. Despite encouraging higher sales and stronger market positions, net earnings remained at the same level in Q1 compared to last year because of higher interest. We gained significant orders during the quarter, notably the appointment by Transport Scotland for the support in the design of the new Forth Replacement Crossing in Scotland, the appointment for the Stockholmporten – intersection in Sweden, the appointment as consultant by Rail Net Denmark to achieve a new fast double-tracked rail section, the request of the City of Paris for the management and supervision of the restructuring of the Les Halles Tunnel in central Paris, the assignment by the French company ATBM (Autoroutes et Tunnel du Mont-Blanc) for the restructuring of the Mont Blanc motorway and the appointment as general engineer by Munich Airport for establishing a Modern Combined Heat and Power Plant. We also won some significant Monitoring & Testing projects in Belgium and the Netherlands. Although we see a good progress (>15% increase) in our sales in Water & Energy, Transportation & Mobility and Monitoring & Testing in most regions we still face difficult trading conditions in the local markets of Planning & Design (...)