Nutreco N.V.
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Publicatie datum
09 nov 2010 - 07:13
Statutaire naam
Nutreco N.V.
Nutreco asks authorisation to buy back and cancel Cumulative Preference A shares
Nutreco organises on Tuesday 21 December 2010 an Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders to obtain authorisation to buy back 4,933,200 Cumulative Preference A shares for a total amount of approximately EUR 54.5 million. The Cumulative Preference A shares represent approximately 12% of the issued share capital of Nutreco N.V.
Conditional agreement has been reached with the holders of the Cumulative Preference A shares issued by Nutreco N.V. that the Cumulative Preference A shares held by them will be acquired by the Company before the end of the current dividend period (31 December 2010), after which these shares will be cancelled. The dividend on the shares in question will be paid up to 31 December 2010.
Datum laatste update: 05 februari 2025