RGF Staffing B.V.
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Publicatie datum
23 jul 2010 - 07:08
Statutaire naam
RGF Staffing B.V.
Tweede kwartaal- en halfjaarresultaten 2010 USG People N.V.
Return to growth, EBITA rises
Almere, 23 July 2010, 07:00 CET
Key points of second quarter 2010
· Revenue was € 747 million and was 3% higher than the second quarter
last year
· The gross margin of 22.0% remained virtually stable with respect to the
previous quarters (Q1 2010: 22.1%, Q4 2009: 22.1%, Q3 2009: 21.9%);
in the second quarter of last year the gross margin was 22.6%
· The operating expenses amounted to € 139 million and remained stable
at the same level of the 1st quarter (€ 137 million); the costs were 4%
lower than in the second quarter of last year
· The underlying EBITA came to € 19 million compared with € 12 million
for the second quarter of 2009 (underlying EBITA Q1 2010: € 8 million)
Datum laatste update: 05 februari 2025