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Koninklijke Heijmans N.V.

Koninklijke Heijmans N.V.

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Publicatie datum 12 mei 2010 - 17:01
Statutaire naam Koninklijke Heijmans N.V.
Titel Building contract signed with Meander Medisch Centrum
Bericht On Wednesday 12 May, Meander Medisch Centrum signed a building contract with the executing parties for the construction of Meander Medisch Centrum's new hospital in Amersfoort, the Netherlands. Construction will start this summer and will be realized by Heijmans Utiliteitsbouw BV, Ballast Nedam Bouw Speciale Projecten and Burgers Ergon. The hospital along the Maatweg road replaces the two existing sites: Amersfoort Lichtenberg and Amersfoort Elisabeth. The new hospital will go into operation in 2013.