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Lavide Holding N.V.

Lavide Holding N.V.

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Publicatie datum 18 mrt 2010 - 08:12
Statutaire naam Lavide Holding N.V.
Titel Qurius Annual Results 2009
Bericht 18 MARCH 2010 – QURIUS REPORTS OPERATIONAL LOSS FOR 2009 CAUSED BY RESTRUCTURING CHARGES AND LOWER LICENSE SALES Financial highlights (in EUR x 1,000) 2009* 2008* Net sales 117,201 126,187 EBIT (excl. restructuring costs and impairment charges) 944 3,323 Non-recurring restructuring costs -2,158 -1,256 Impairment charges -2,043 -10,225 EBIT -3,256 -8,158 Net result -9,032 -22,495 Earnings per share (in EUR) -0.09 -0.21 * Continued operations 2009 Developments • Revenue from continued operations fell by EUR 8.9 million (7%) caused by decreased license revenues (EUR 17.6 million down to EUR 13 million) and decreased maintenance and services revenues (EUR 97.5 million down to EUR 93.7 million) • Operating expenses from continued operations decreased by EUR 4.4 million (6%) • EBIT exc. restructuring and impairment charges amounted to EUR 0.9 million • EBIT inc. restructuring and impairment charges amounted to EUR – 3.2 million • Operations in Denmark and Sweden have been discontinued, Multiplus Norway was sold. Result from discontinued operations amounted to EUR -1.7 million • Net result EUR – 9 million Fourth Quarter 2009 Developments • Revenue from continued operations decreased by 12% to EUR 29 million (2008: EUR 33 million) • License revenue from continued operations amounted to EUR 3.5 million – a reduction of 29% (2008: EUR 5.9 million) • Lower total personnel costs (EUR -1.1 million) off-set by additional provisions for bad debt as a result of adverse market conditions and legal costs following customer claims Looking ahead to 2010 • We see no signs of economic recovery yet. It will take some more time this year and next before our markets recover • Further cost reduction measures have occurred in Q1, 2010, including a reduction in overhead. • We expect a negative net result inc. restructuring for Q1, 2010. Leen Zevenbergen, CEO, on developments in 2009 and 2010 “Although Qurius has a very strong European position within the Microsoft market for business

Datum laatste update: 02 september 2024