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Royal Imtech N.V.

Royal Imtech N.V.

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Publicatie datum 16 feb 2010 - 07:37
Statutaire naam Royal Imtech N.V.
Titel 2009 again an excellent year for Imtech: EBITA +20%, order book +5%, further EBITA growth forecast in 2010
Bericht · Order book at end of 2009 up by 5% to over 4.7 billion euro, a good starting position for 2010 · Despite challenging market conditions 2009 again is an excellent year for Imtech: EBITA up by 20% of which 7% organic · Operational EBITA margin up from 5.5% to 5.8% · Long-term targets maintained: revenue of 5 billion euro in 2012, while maintaining the target of an operational EBITA margin of 6% · Outlook 2010: a further increase of EBITA through organic growth and acquisitions