Koninklijke Philips N.V.
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Publicatie datum
30 nov 2009 - 18:01
Statutaire naam
Koninklijke Philips N.V.
Philips extends play with the world's first solar-powered LED football floodlighting solution
November 30, 2009
Eindhoven, the Netherlands/Johannesburg, South Africa – Philips is to enable people with little or no access to electricity to enjoy playing or watching sport long into the night with the world’s first dedicated solar-powered LED floodlighting (intense beams of light) solution.
Some 1.6 billion people in the world today are unable to connect to a regular electricity supply. The new Philips system will enable communities in developing and developed markets alike to participate in social, educational, cultural and commercial activities after sunset - including the world’s most popular sport, football.
Launched today at simultaneous press events in the Netherlands and South Africa, the system is available as a fully portable solution. Using the very latest energy-efficient LED lighting technology, the system can illuminate areas up to 40x20m with bright white light. Advanced battery cells provide up to eight hours of floodlighting on a single solar charge – the equivalent of two or three full evening football matches or training sessions. The system is also highly sustainable, with a rugged design able to withstand the extreme rigors of life in some of the more challenging and remote terrains in the world.
“This is a fantastic initiative,” says Kanu, the Nigerian international footballer, who is working with Philips to help promote the floodlighting system around the world. “Football is a universal language, especially in Africa. Enabling children and adults to be active in playing football and other sports, even once the sun goes down, will enrich their lives, their health and their well-being considerably.”
“Our new solar-powered LED floodlighting solution is a wonderful example of Philips’ application of meaningful innovation based on our insight and understanding of people’s needs,” says Marc de Jong, CEO of the Professional Luminaires business o
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