Koninklijke Ten Cate B.V.
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Publicatie datum
28 okt 2009 - 08:19
Statutaire naam
Koninklijke Ten Cate B.V.
TenCate trading update concerning third quarter of 2009
Cost measures show positive effect on operating result (EBITA)
Operating result for the third quarter of 2009 rose by € 4.8 million compared with the second quarter
Positive cash flow of € 64 million (up to and including the third quarter)
Strong balance sheet position (solvency 47%)
Debt position reduced to € 264 million (end of 2008: € 331 million)
Debt / EBITDA ratio 2.5
Cutback in workforce (FTEs) by 880 (-18%) since 1 January 2009
Datum laatste update: 13 maart 2025