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Royal Imtech N.V.

Royal Imtech N.V.

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Publicatie datum 11 aug 2009 - 06:59
Statutaire naam Royal Imtech N.V.
Titel Imtech continues to grow: EBITA +23%, order book +11% in the first half of 2009
Bericht - An order book of 4.8 billion euro (+11%) gives confidence for the second half of 2009 - 'Green' technology and a broad portfolio of services enable a robust double-digit growth to be achieved despite the economic crisis. Germany is the 'star performer' - Significantly improved working capital (-20%) despite growth - Maintaining long-term strategic plan: revenue of 5 billion euro in 2012, operational EBITA margin target of 6% - Maintaining outlook for the whole of 2009: further EBITA growth through organic growth and acquisitions