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Draka Holding N.V.

Draka Holding N.V.

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Publicatie datum 21 okt 2008 - 08:10
Statutaire naam Draka Holding N.V.
Titel Draka Holding N.V.: Draka continues to trim cost base
Bericht The Board of Management of Draka Holding N.V. announces new measures to reduce Draka's cost base still further, sustaining the trend of recent years in line with the Triple S programme. These measures relate to the Energy & Infrastructure Europe division, whose plant in Llanelli (UK) is intended to close, and the Automotive & Aviation division where, in addition to closure of the plant in Vigo (Spain), the plant in Wuppertal (Germany) is to be optimised. Various efficiency improvements are also planned for the Communications Group's plants in Europe, which will reduce the cost base still further.