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Ageas N.V.

Ageas N.V.

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Publicatie datum 01 aug 2008 - 14:43
Statutaire naam Ageas N.V.
Titel Fortis CFO, CRO and General Counsel to report to CEO
Bericht Gilbert Mittler appointed special advisor to the CEO As from today, the Fortis Chief Financial Officer, Lars Machenil, the Chief Risk Officer, Fred Bos, and the General Counsel, Jeannine Quaetaert, will report directly to the Fortis CEO Herman Verwilst. This further strengthens the authority of these key control functions. Gilbert Mittler, formerly at Group Executive Committee level responsible for these departments, will from now on fully devote his time to the role of special advisor to the CEO, working alongside Herman Verwilst to implement the strategic priorities for Fortis. ‘Gilbert has played for over 20 years a first hand role in the growth of this company,’ says Fortis CEO Herman Verwilst. ‘Therefore this new assignment is a recognition of his extensive experience and commitment. I’m therefore happy that Gilbert, whom I have known for a long time, has accepted to take up this important new function.’

Datum laatste update: 28 juli 2024