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Publicatie datum 24 jul 2008 - 07:31
Statutaire naam Unibail-Rodamco
Titel Unibail-Rodamco: Consistent Perfomance - Half-year results
Bericht Business performance: The Group is posting H1 2008 results in line with plans, with a 6.9% growth in recurring earnings per share. This performance comes on the back of continuing good like-for-like net rental income growth numbers (7.9% for the shopping centre division, 11.1% for the offices and 4.6% for the C&E business, all pro-forma), and a limited impact of rising interest costs (4.2% on average) due to the Group’s interest rate protection policy. Leasing activity continues to be driven by a lack of prime retail space throughout Europe and limited large office space in Paris. Vacancy rates are at historical lows, and this situation is unlikely to change significantly due to limited deliveries in the coming period. Some retail tenants are faced with slowing sales, and are becoming more selective in their expansion policy. Centres with high footfall, offering a large variety of shops and entertainment are clearly the top picks for retailers in the current environment. The Paris office market remains tight, and rental levels for new leases are not showing signs of weakness. The Group’s vacant office space dropped significantly over H1, to 5.4%. The Convention and Exhibition division saw the number of exhibitors increase with 4.3% and the number of visitors with 3%, compared to H1 last year.

Datum laatste update: 01 september 2024