Homburg Invest Inc.
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Publicatie datum
23 apr 2008 - 17:11
Statutaire naam
Homburg Invest Inc.
Homburg Invest Inc. - Announcement
Halifax, Nova Scotia, April 23, 2008 (TSX: HII.A & HII.B and AEX:HII)- Mr. Richard Homburg, Chairman and CEO of Homburg Invest Inc. (“Homburg Invest” or “HII”) announces that, through various controlled entities including Homburg North America Limited, Homburg N.V., Uni-Insurance Inc. and Homburg Canada Incorporated, he has acquired 5,788,629 Class A Subordinate Voting Shares ("Class A Shares") of HII, representing 3.72% of the currently issued and outstanding Class A Shares and 265,631 Class B Multiple Voting Shares (“Class B Shares”) of HII representing 0.84% of the currently issued and outstanding Class B Shares.
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