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PostNL N.V.

PostNL N.V.

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Publicatie datum 16 apr 2008 - 14:22
Statutaire naam PostNL N.V.
Titel TNT Post calls trade unions to labour negotiation follow-u
Bericht Amsterdam, 16 April 2008 – Today, at 12 o’clock, the ultimatum the trade unions had issued to TNT Post on 8 April, to reach an adjusted collective labour agreement with, amongst others, a structural salary increase, expired. TNT Post has offered a structural salary increase of 3%, comprising a 1.5% salary increase backdated to 1 April 2008, and a further 1.5% on 1 January 2009. The latter is conditional on the elaboration and implementation of a plan, put forward by a joint working group with representatives from the trade unions and TNT Post, to make fundamental changes to the conditions of employment. The trade unions are demanding a one-year collective labour agreement for all of TNT in the Netherlands, with a salary increase of 3.5% backdated to 1 April 2008. Only once this has been accepted will they be willing to discuss bringing the employment package more into line with the market. At its core the issue is not the salary levels but rather gaining clarity on a future collective labour agreement that is in line with the market. This collective labour agreement must put TNT Post in a position to compete whilst maintaining both volume and jobs for its employees as much as possible. The trade unions recognise this but say they need more time to discuss this with their members. Allowing costs to rise without having reached clear agreement with the trade unions on future market-level conditions of employment is not an option. During the meeting at the Beatrixhal building in Utrecht this evening, the trade unions will consult their members. TNT Post is calling on the trade unions to continue discussions.

Datum laatste update: 27 juli 2024