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AFM Portaal en AFM-website niet bereikbaar komend weekend

Vanaf vrijdag 4 oktober 21.00 uur tot zondag 6 oktober 21.00 uur is het AFM Portaal niet bereikbaar. Vanaf zaterdag 5 oktober 06.00 uur tot zondag 6 oktober 21.00 uur is de AFM-website niet bereikbaar.



Hieronder vindt u informatie uit het register openbaarmaking voorwetenschap. Deze informatie is door de organisatie verstrekt.

Publicatie datum 14 dec 2007 - 08:20
Statutaire naam Unibail-Rodamco
Bericht Unibail-Rodamco S.A. (Unibail-Rodamco) and Rodamco Europe N.V. (Rodamco Europe) jointly announce that today Unibail-Rodamco will initiate statutory squeeze out proceedings under Dutch law, as indicated in Unibail-Rodamco's press release of 10 December 2007. Unibail-Rodamco currently holds approximately 98.5% of the issued share capital of Rodamco Europe. The writ of summons will be served by a bailiff upon the unknown remaining minority shareholders of Rodamco Europe. The first day of the proceedings will be on 24 January 2008. The squeeze out price is to be determined by the Enterprise Chamber of the Court of Appeals in Amsterdam (Ondernemingskamer). Unibail-Rodamco will propose in the writ of summons a squeeze out price which is based on the exchange ratio of the original exchange offer, adjusted for dividend payments. In arriving at the proposed squeeze out price, the exchange ratio was applied to the volume-weighted average Unibail-Rodamco share price of the thirty trading days ending on 12 December 2007, resulting in a price of €81.03 per Rodamco Europe share.

Datum laatste update: 06 oktober 2024