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BNP Paribas Sixth Supplement to the Base Prospectus in respect of the Warrant and Certificate Programme (the ‘Supplement’)

BNP Paribas Sixth Supplement to the Base Prospectus in respect of the Warrant and Certificate Programme (the ‘Supplement’)

Hieronder vindt u informatie over het goedgekeurde prospectus. Deze is door de organisatie verstrekt.

Datum goedkeuring 23 dec 2008
Naam uitgevende instelling BNP Paribas
Omschrijving Sixth Supplement to the Base Prospectus in respect of the Warrant and Certificate Programme (the ‘Supplement’)
Bestandstype Aanvullend Document
Begindatum 27 jan 2009
Wijze van publicatie Drukwerk
Plaats van publicatie After approval , the Supplement can be obtained at the office of the Certificate Agent: BNP Paribas Securities Services, Luxembourg Branch, 33 Rue de Gasperich Howald-HesperangeL-2085 Luxembourg; BNP Parisbas Arbitrage SNC, 8 rue de Sofia, 75018 Paris, France.


Datum laatste update: 21 juli 2024