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Randstad N.V. The prospectus relating to Randstad Holding N.V. in respect of the Offer Memorandum & Prospectus with regard to the Recommended Mixed Exchange and Cash Offer for all the issued and outstanding shares in the capital of Vedior (the 'Prospectus')

Randstad N.V. The prospectus relating to Randstad Holding N.V. in respect of the Offer Memorandum & Prospectus with regard to the Recommended Mixed Exchange and Cash Offer for all the issued and outstanding shares in the capital of Vedior (the 'Prospectus')

Hieronder vindt u informatie over het goedgekeurde prospectus. Deze is door de organisatie verstrekt.

Datum goedkeuring 01 apr 2008
Naam uitgevende instelling Randstad N.V.
Omschrijving The prospectus relating to Randstad Holding N.V. in respect of the Offer Memorandum & Prospectus with regard to the Recommended Mixed Exchange and Cash Offer for all the issued and outstanding shares in the capital of Vedior (the 'Prospectus')
Bestandstype Prospectus
Begindatum 02 apr 2008
Wijze van publicatie Drukwerk en elektronisch
Plaats van publicatie Digital copies of the Prospectus are available on the website of Randstad Holding (www.randstad.com), and hardcopies are available at the offices of Randstad Holding (attn.: The Executive Board, Diemermere 25, 1112 TC Diemen, P.O. Box 12600, 1100 AP Amsterdam Z-O, The Netherlands, tel. +31 (0) 20 5695911, fax +31 (0) 20 5695520) and the Listing and Exchange Agent (Rabo Securities, attn.: ECM/Syndication, Amstelplein 1, 1096 HA Amsterdam, P.O. Box 94640, 1090 GP Amsterdam, The Netherlands, tel. +31 (0) 20 4624602, fax +31 (0) 20 4604949, email: prospectus@rabobank.com), all free of charge. Digital copies of this Prospectus are also available on the website of Vedior (www.vedior.com) free of charge.


Datum laatste update: 27 september 2024