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European Mortgage Securities VII B.V. Update of their € 25,000,000,000 Residential Mortgage Backed Secured Debt Issuance Programme(the ‘Prospectus’)

European Mortgage Securities VII B.V. Update of their € 25,000,000,000 Residential Mortgage Backed Secured Debt Issuance Programme(the ‘Prospectus’)

Hieronder vindt u informatie over het goedgekeurde prospectus. Deze is door de organisatie verstrekt.

Datum goedkeuring 29 aug 2007
Naam uitgevende instelling European Mortgage Securities VII B.V.
Omschrijving Update of their € 25,000,000,000 Residential Mortgage Backed Secured Debt Issuance Programme(the ‘Prospectus’)
Bestandstype Prospectus
Begindatum 30 aug 2007
Wijze van publicatie Drukwerk
Plaats van publicatie Copies may be inspected at the specified offices of the Security Trustee: Stichting Security Trustee European Mortgage Securities VII, Herengracht 420, 1017 BZ Amsterdam, The Netherlands; and at the office of the Paying Agent: ABN AMRO Bank N.V., Kemelstede 2, 4817 ST Breda, The Netherlands.


Datum laatste update: 28 september 2024