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Supplement Issuance of Fixed Income Securities (Rates), Open End Certificates, Portfolio Certificates, Warrants and other leveraged Securities, Securities, Fixed Income Securities (Cash), Strategy Certificates on Gelfarth Select Strategy, Certificates linked to the Smart Health Care Portfolio and UBS Express Securities, USB Twin-Win Securities, UBS Speeder Securities, UBS Outperformance Plus Securities, UBS Bonus Securities, UBS Dolphin Securities, UBS Capital Protected Securities and UBS Accumulator Securities dated 27 February 2020

Supplement Issuance of Fixed Income Securities (Rates), Open End Certificates, Portfolio Certificates, Warrants and other leveraged Securities, Securities, Fixed Income Securities (Cash), Strategy Certificates on Gelfarth Select Strategy, Certificates linked to the Smart Health Care Portfolio and UBS Express Securities, USB Twin-Win Securities, UBS Speeder Securities, UBS Outperformance Plus Securities, UBS Bonus Securities, UBS Dolphin Securities, UBS Capital Protected Securities and UBS Accumulator Securities dated 27 February 2020

Hieronder vindt u informatie over het genotificeerde prospectus. Deze is door de organisatie verstrekt.

Datum ontvangst notificatie 27 feb 2020
Datum ontvangen document 27 feb 2020
Naam van de instelling UBS AG
Omschrijving van de transactie Supplement Issuance of Fixed Income Securities (Rates), Open End Certificates, Portfolio Certificates, Warrants and other leveraged Securities, Securities, Fixed Income Securities (Cash), Strategy Certificates on Gelfarth Select Strategy, Certificates linked to the Smart Health Care Portfolio and UBS Express Securities, USB Twin-Win Securities, UBS Speeder Securities, UBS Outperformance Plus Securities, UBS Bonus Securities, UBS Dolphin Securities, UBS Capital Protected Securities and UBS Accumulator Securities dated 27 February 2020
Naam bevoegde autoriteit BundesanstaltfürFinanzdienstleistungsaufsicht
Land bevoegde autoriteit Duitsland

Datum laatste update: 28 juli 2024