Policy Rule on Suitability 2012
The Policy Rule on Suitability 2012 (Policy Rule) clarifies what the supervisory authorities understand by 'suitability' and which aspects are taken into account in assessing the fitness and propriety of a policymaker. The Policy Rule also clearly states when policymakers must or can be assessed and what information and antecedents the supervisory authorities take into account during such an assessment.Recent changes
On 8 March 2023, the Policy Rule was amended following changes in European and national laws and regulations and the entry into force of European guidelines. This amendment is an update and does not change the existing assessment policy of DNB and the AFM, nor the scope or target group of this assessment policy other than as a result of the legislation.
Market participants had an opportunity to respond to the intended changes between 15 July and 15 September 2022. The feedback statement (pdf, 310 kB) sets out the key points from the responses received as well as comments from DNB and the AFM on these responses. The amended Policy Rule was published in the Government Gazette on 31 March 2023 and entered into force on April 1st. The amended Policy Rule can be found below and can also be viewed (in Dutch) at: wetten.nl.
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